More Fallout From the Worst Dressed List

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
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A few days ago, Eva Longoria (of Desperate Housewives fame) was heckled in London—where she was launching the Harrods’ Winter Sale—for her nasty habit of draping herself in dead animals. For people who do care about animals, Eva’s track-record has been pretty abysmal. In an interview last year, she told Oprah that she can “skin a deer and a pig and a snake – and rabbits,” when she was talking about some of the things she learned in her childhood. Sounds like a hell of an education—and it may explain her crappy attitude towards people who try to educate her about the cruelty she’s supporting by wearing fur. The New York Post reported the story as follows:

EVA Longoria drew anti-fur hecklers in London the other day when she kicked off Harrods’ Winter Sale. The “Desperate Housewives” star, dubbed “Worst Dressed” by PETA for wearing “dead-animal pelts,” was nearly drowned out as she gave interviews. A PETA rep says he hopes Longoria will see the light like another “Worst Dressed” winner, Christina Ricci, who e-mailed the group: “I never meant to hurt nor anger anyone with my insensitivity . . . [I] will not be wearing fur in the future.”

I have to admit that Desperate Housewives is a kind of a good show, but it’s always sad when you find out that the villains in TV shows are villains in real life too. Hopefully this experience will give her something to think about.

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