‘Exotic’ Skins: Graphic Mistakes

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Do you know somebody who’s thinking about adding a Hermes crocodile-skin bag or a pair of Alexander McQueen snakeskin pumps to their Christmas wish list? If so, the graphic pictures below will probably have them sending Santa a plea for a Matt & Nat bag or a pair of MooShoes instead.




Whether your bag, shoe, or jacket was made from exotic skins or sexy synthetics means the difference between life or death for animals. Snakes and alligators who are stripped of their skin are usually caught in the wild, often illegally, and their skin is ripped from their bodies while they are still alive. Because they are cold-blooded animals, they can suffer for hours or even days before they die.

If you need more proof that reptiles suffer when they are exploited for fashion, check this out.

Written by Shawna Flavell

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