Eight Legs: Good; Two Restaurants: Bad
We have to thank Joan Jett and her tweeting ways (Joan, you’re in close competition with Chrissie Hynde to be my favorite sassy rocker chick) for the great turnout at yesterday’s protests against two Queens, New York, restaurants that serve up octopuses and other animals while they’re still alive. (No, I am not making that up—I wish I were.)
The owner of East Seafood restaurant was apparently so terrified that a kraken was going to seek vengeance on him for the torture of her smaller brethren that he locked the restaurant’s doors for the duration of the protest. Good—no customers!
Please, help stop this abomination by writing to the Queens County D.A. and asking him to press cruelty-to-animals charges against live animal–serving restaurants such as East Seafood and Sik Gaek.
Written by Alisa Mullins