Eatery Agrees to Stop Torturing Animals

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
syrist / CC by 3.0
live prawn


Crustaceans can’t moonwalk, and they don’t dance the cha-cha, so when we received complaints from horrified diners about “dancing” prawns at Sacramento’s Nishiki Sushi, we knew it was something that we needed to look into. Turns out that the restaurant was peeling the skin off live prawns and encouraging patrons to squeeze acidic lemon juice all over the conscious animals’ exposed flesh, causing them to writhe in pain (or “dance”) before they were eaten alive.

We reached out to Nishiki Sushi and let it know that while prawns may not be able to scream, they feel pain just as any animal does. The owners responded by swiftly 86ing the “dancing prawns” from Nishiki Sushi’s menu!

That’s something that makes us kick up our vegan heels. Now to get other restaurants to take a stand for crustaceans and remove their Lobster Zone machines.

Written by Karin Bennett

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