Passionate About the Planet? Then Don’t Miss This New PETA Ad for Earth Day

Published by David James Olsen.
5 min read

Did you catch that clever billboard or bus ad for Earth Day reminding you how vital it is to go vegan? PETA’s made sure you won’t miss this message saying, “Either go vegan or put a cork in it,” by placing ads in multiple cities around the country ahead of April 22.

To address the ongoing climate catastrophe, ending speciesism and the exploitation of animals is paramount. We must learn about and take action to stop worldwide animal abuse and its destruction of the planet, even as we’re endeavoring to save the environment in other ways.


Some Hot Spots—PETA Hopes Won’t ‘Put a Cork in It’—Sporting the Ad for Earth Day

PETA’s ad will appear on buses in some cities and on billboards in others, driving home the point that caring about the planet has to include going vegan. Even if you don’t live in any of these places, let PETA’s ad add to your motivation:

  • Berkeley, California: Running for a month starting on April 17, this billboard ad will be located at 2005 San Pablo Ave. (at the intersection of San Pablo and University avenues). PETA chose Berkeley because the city’s environmentally minded inhabitants frequently top Earth-conscious lists.
  • San Diego, California: Also running for a month starting on the 17th, our ad will hover over the hip and trendy neighborhood of Hillcrest at 1119 University Ave. (at the intersection of University Avenue and Vermont Street). PETA picked San Diego since it’s also known for being planet-conscious.
Melting Ice Animals Urge Everyone to Beat the Heat by Going Vegan
  • Buffalo, New York: Running for two months, our ad will be on 10 king-sized boards on buses circling the city starting on April 17. PETA chose Buffalo since it made it onto a top 15 list of environmentally conscious cities. In 2020, Erie County—where the city is situated—surpassed its goal to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, observing an emissions decrease of 36.4% compared to a 2005 baseline.
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan: Our ad will appear on 10 buses circling the city starting on April 10 and will run for one month. PETA picked Grand Rapids since it has a Mayor’s Greening Initiative working to achieve 40% tree canopy coverage, has Gold-level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design buildings, and more.
Live Veganly PETA Ad

The Worth of Earth Day to Animals and the Planet: Why We Shouldn’t ‘Put a Cork in It’

As a crucial part of the environment, animals must be respected as the curious, feeling beings they are, and humans need to stop breeding and using them for experiments, food, clothing, entertainment, and the pet trade.

When it comes to fashion, the exploitation of cows, pigs, goats, and sheep for their skin causes vast environmental destruction that many humans are not aware of or ignore when they buy clothing or accessories made of leather, wool, fur, or exotic skins.

The use of aquatic and land animals’ flesh, eggs, and bovine mammary secretions as food is one of the biggest contributors to the climate emergency and the cause of a wide range of other environmental issues, including deforestation, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Specific to sea life, the current rate at which humans are killing fish for food—along with “bycatch”—is likely to result in fishless oceans by 2048, which could deprive all life on Earth of consistent oxygen.

According to the United Nations, a global shift to vegan eating is vital if we’re to combat the worst effects of the climate catastrophe, as animal agriculture alone is responsible for approximately one-fifth of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. While rolling out Earth Day ads last year, PETA highlighted the fact that hurricanes and wildfires have increased in intensity and destructive potential because of these emissions.

peta activists in houston doing a shower demo

In addition to helping the planet, each human who goes vegan spares nearly 200 animals each year daily misery and terrifying deaths in slaughterhouses; reduces their own risk of suffering from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity; and even helps prevent future pandemics. Experts believe COVID-19 may have stemmed or spread from a live-animal meat market, and SARS, swine flu, and bird flu have also been linked to confining and killing animals for food.

Cute brown-and-white calf lying in green grass

Earth Day provides a powerful opportunity for us to pause and reflect on our fellow animals with whom we share the planet and how to minimize our carbon footprint through compassion.

Go Vegan Earth Day Demo

What You Can Do This Earth Day and Beyond

You guessed it: Go vegan. But first, take time to research the many reasons why this is so important for animals, the planet, and human health. Talk with your family and friends about going vegan, send them copies of our free vegan starter kit (below), and share PETA’s message across social media to expand your reach.

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