These Showering Activists Have an Earth Day Message for Meat-Eaters

Published by Danny Prater.
3 min read

Trying to save water and reduce your environmental footprint this Earth Day? Well, don’t look to your faucet—look to your dinner plate! Did you know that, on average, a vegan person saves roughly 1,100 gallons of water every day? The amount of water required to produce a single pound of beef is equivalent to about 180 seven-minute showers. Crazy, right?! That’s exactly why PETA activists are touring the U.S. with a portable outdoor shower and an Earth-friendly message for so-called meat-eating “environmentalists”: Going vegan is the best thing that you can do for the planet and for animals.

These April showers are making a splash in cities across the southern U.S. in advance of Earth Day, as PETA members make passersby aware of the ways in which the meat and dairy industries are guzzling up our water supply and spewing out contaminants. Making a bold statement with their bodies, covered only by a banner sporting some eye-opening statistics, these eco-friendly activists turned heads—and turned on showerheads—on the streets of Houston, New Orleans, and Mobile, Alabama.

a man

Go Green—Go Vegan!

Growing water-intensive crops simply to feed animals who are raised for food consumes more than half of the water in the U.S. Runoff from factory farms is also one of the leading causes of river and lake pollution—and it can contaminate groundwater with viruses and bacteria.

If you’re ready to do the right thing for the planet and animals, then scrub that dirty conscience clean. Order a free vegan starter kit today and align your actions with your eco-conscious ethics.

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