First Lady Jill Biden Asked to Take a Crack at Hen-Friendly Easter Egg Roll

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Ahead of the White House Easter Egg Roll on April 10, PETA has asked First Lady Dr. Jill Biden to choose festive and bird-friendly items—such as reusable plastic eggs, painted rocks, or wooden eggs, like those already sold by the White House—for the occasion. If she agrees, Dr. Biden would make the event eggstra special for chickens, reduce waste, and accommodate all the children who avoid eggs for ethical, environmental, religious, or health reasons.

Many families are shelling out nearly 70% more for eggs amid the deadliest avian flu outbreak on record, so now is a hopping good time to hatch a kind Easter tradition that doesn’t prop up the cruel egg industry.

As an educator, the first lady could encourage Americans of all ages to consider who animals are, understand that animal-based agriculture is ruining the planet, and guard their health by avoiding high-cholesterol foods.

Children, whose empathy for animals is innate, would be devastated to learn that eggs come from cruel farms.

Every year in the U.S., about 300 million hens’ beaks are mutilated, then they’re forced to spend their entire lives pressed against other birds in severely crowded cages that reek of feces and ammonia. These chickens suffer just as any other animals would, including Commander and Willow, the Bidens’ beloved dog and cat.

Chickens Used for Eggs Floor Raised
Floor-raised egg-laying hens.

Chickens are smart, sensitive animals who feel pain and empathy, have distinct personalities, and, at just a few days old, can count and perform basic addition and subtraction. Yet they’re factory-farmed in hen prisons, and their eggs are stolen for humans to eat.

Take Action for Chickens This Easter—Go Vegan Now

Did you know that you could save nearly 200 animals (including chickens) per year just by going vegan? That’s right—going vegan saves lives.

Three pretty chickens
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