Dogs and Cats Rescued After BP Disaster: Where Are They Now?

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

As the BP oil-spill civil case unfolds in New Orleans, we thought this would be a good time to update you on some of the companion animals PETA rescued as people fled the region in the wake of the catastrophe

Disasters such as the one in the Gulf flood animal shelters with dogs and cats whose families lose their jobs or see their businesses go bust. With support from the fabulous Pamela Anderson, PETA workers drove a Winnebago carrying more than 40 homeless dogs and nearly 30 special-needs cats from New Orleans–area shelters to Virginia, where they were placed in permanent homes, including three who live in PETA’s Norfolk headquarters, the Sam Simon Center

It’s a testament to their resilient spirits that these animals have rebounded from abandonment and are now thriving in their new homes. Here’s where some of them are now:

  • Daisy: At 4 months old, this Chihuahua mix found her forever home in Washington, D.C., and will celebrate her third birthday next month. She instantly bonded with Chloe—another dog PETA rescued—and loves to play fetch and snuggle under the blankets.
  • Duke and Buttercup: These Chihuahuas act like shadows of their new guardian, Amber, following her everywhere she goes and meeting her at the door every evening after work. Both dogs delight in the companionship of Amber’s two children and Nikita, a mutt rescued by PETA during another disaster, Hurricane Irene
  • Bubbles, Brandi, and Marshall: These three have become the beloved feline residents of the Sam Simon Center. Bubbles’ expertise is in intercepting tossed balls of paper, while Brandi proudly carries around a rubber lizard. And although Marshall is missing a leg, that doesn’t stop him from playing “King of the Castle” with the other two on their multistory cat tree.

PETA’s rescue work is made possible by the support of kind people like you. To help PETA save animals in danger, become a member today.

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