Dog Rescued From Afghanistan Needs a Home

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

“Total angel.” “Sweetest dog I’ve ever met.” “Someone is going to be very, very lucky.”

Those are just a few of the comments heard around our Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters about Gracie, a 3-year-old dog rescued from Afghanistan. Even though she bears the scars of a harrowing life in a war zone, Gracie enthusiastically greets everyone she meets with wiggles and a madly wagging tail. She is missing one of her back legs, which had to be amputated after she was injured and left to suffer from gangrene, and she lost most of both ears after contracting a severe and untreated infection. But she came through it all like a trooper, and when the loving dog befriended some U.S. soldiers, they knew that they could not leave her behind to suffer an uncertain fate on the dangerous Afghan streets. They brought the dog home to the States, and now she’s ready to go home for good.

With her foster family, Gracie has discovered that she loves to go for car rides and for walks in a harness. She doesn’t seem to notice that she is missing a rear leg and will joyfully zip down the sidewalk at break-neck speeds. Probably because of the years that she spent fighting for whatever meager scraps she could find, she sees other dogs as a threat and has to be in a one-dog household. (She likes—and deserves!—to be numero uno.)

Gracie deserves an extra-special lifetime home, so PETA is looking for just the right family to adopt her. She has been spayed, vaccinated, and microchipped. If you live on the East Coast and are ready to open your heart and home to a very special dog, please contact [email protected].


Written by Michelle Sherrow

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