Disturbing Torture Devices Uncovered at Daisy Farms

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

What PETA and a whistleblower uncovered at Daisy Farms is part of a real-life horror movie for the animals who live there and on dairy farms across the country. After a whistleblower contacted us to report abuse at Daisy Farms in Paris, Texas, which supplies milk for Daisy Brand dairy products, PETA conducted our own eyewitness investigation. What we found at Daisy Farms were standard tools of the trade used to mutilate and torment cows.

Daisy Farms brags that it has the “best cared-for cows on the planet.” But workers there resort to the same torturous tactics as most other dairy farms:

  • Calves were pulled from their loving mothers’ birth canals with chains and separated from them shortly after birth. To prevent distressed calves from trying to nurse from one another, workers placed spiked weaning rings on their noses. These spikes are designed to irritate the calves, who are desperate for the comfort of their mothers, and other calves they try to nurse from.
3 Spiked Nose Ring
  • After calves were taken from their mothers, they were isolated in tiny enclosed spaces where they suffered from apparent pneumonia, lameness, and scours, a disease that gave them severe diarrhea.
5 Small Pens
  • Since calves weren’t allowed to nurse from their mothers, some were force-fed milk with feeding tubes inserted down their throats. Multiple employees inserted the tubes carelessly, forcing milk into calves’ lungs and drowning two of them.
4 Force Feeding
  • Workers used caustic paste to burn away the sensitive horn tissue on calves’ heads, a painful method of “dehorning” that is done without painkillers.
1 Caustic Paste Dehorning
  • To amputate the horns of a heifer, employees used “loppers,” or guillotine cutters, a gruesome tool that looks like a pair of bolt cutters with a guillotine blade at the end.
2 Guillotine Dehorning

Use of these torture devices is standard in the dairy industry. Please, don’t give this cruelty your financial support. Take PETA’s Pledge to Go Vegan today, and we’ll help you every step of the way.

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