PETA’s Custom Toilet Paper Says Experiments on Animals Are a Load of Crap

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Today, PETA sent all members of Congress a complimentary, custom roll of toilet paper bearing a special message addressing cruel experiments on monkeys in a government laboratory funded with tax dollars. Our toilet paper came wrapped with an urgent call to action for our leaders: “$36 million down the toilet for NIH monkey fright experiments. Wipe it out!”

PETA Toilet Paper for congress up close 1 roll
PETA Demo Staff Capitol Building Custom Toilet Paper Monkey Masks

With toilet paper in high demand during the COVID-19 lockdown, PETA is helping to keep Capitol Hill flush with squares to spare—but we’re not sending your standard old TP.

NIH monkey fright night demo with TP for Congress

The message on our special rolls refers to “psychology” experiments conducted by National Institutes of Health (NIH) experimenter Elisabeth Murray, in which brain-damaged monkeys are frightened with rubber snakes and spiders, allegedly to study mental illness in humans.

Thirty years of these tests, which have cost taxpayers more than $36 million, have not produced any therapies for humans. Watch this video to learn more:

We’re sending a hot commodity to Congress to alert its members to bizarre and cruel experiments on monkeys. While Americans wait for cures to diseases, this country’s premier health agency is sucking out parts of monkeys’ brains and scaring them with rubber snakes and spiders.

—PETA Vice President Dr. Alka Chandna

custom TP rolls for Congress during COVID-19 pandemic

Our toilet paper has an important message: Scaring monkeys with rubber snakes means tax dollars down the toilet.

You Don’t Need Custom PETA Toilet Paper to Help End These Wasteful and Cruel Experiments on Monkeys

If the monkeys used in these nightmarish experiments were given a chance to speak out about the stress that they’ve endured, they’d call all tests on animals what they are: a load of sh*t.

Murphy’s heartbreaking story is reason enough to wipe the funding from this torture lab:

Murphy’s Story Shows What It’s Like to Be Treated as a Test Tube

Every day of Murphy’s life has been a living nightmare — all because of ONE person.

Posted by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on Friday, July 17, 2020

The primates suffering in Murray’s pointless tests are unique individuals with distinct personalities, wants, and fears. To get to know them better, click here.

peta toilet paper for congress wipe it out

The future of medical science lies in exploring human-relevant, animal-free methods. You can help monkeys used in pointless NIH-funded experiments today. It just takes a second:

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