Cow Who Escaped Slaughterhouse Killed in Home Depot Parking Lot (VIDEO)

Published by Danny Prater.
2 min read

A cow who escaped from a Connecticut slaughterhouse and made a dash for freedom was chased down by employees and killed in public view in a nearby Home Depot parking lot, according to reports. One slaughterhouse employee allegedly chased the animal with a knife, while another apparently tried to shoot her with a bow and arrow (but missed). The dangerous actions of these workers not only meant a heartbreaking death for a cow who clearly wanted to live but also put anyone standing nearby at risk. Watch the shocking video below to see what happened:

Update: August 7, 2019

The slaughterhouse employee who slit the cow’s throat has been arrested and charged with cruelty to animals. He was released on bond and is expected to appear in court later this month. On the day of the incident, he was cited for creating a public disturbance.

The local police department has expressed concern that the cow was killed in front of a child, but we must remember that from a cow’s point of view, being killed behind closed doors is no less terrifying or painful than being killed in public.

Why do we cheer for animals who escape from slaughterhouses but not think twice about the millions of others who are killed there every day for the dinner table?

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of a cow being slaughtered in a public parking lot, don’t pay workers to kill cows in a slaughterhouse or anywhere else.

What You Can Do

No one wants to die to become a meal. You can help end animal suffering, environmental devastation, and the ill effects on human health that come with using animals for food by going vegan today. Order PETA’s free vegan starter kit for tips and recipes to help you make the transition today.

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