Strong Show of Support Outside Courthouse for Anti-SeaWorld Demonstrators

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
Boycott Seaworld Pasadena

As SeaWorld‘s propaganda-filled float started down the route at the Rose Parade, more than 100 animal advocates descended on it holding signs that read, “Boycott SeaWorld.” Nineteen of them sat down peacefully in front of the float, blocking its path. Fourteen of those brave souls, including mothers, teachers, and Russell Simmons’ executive assistant, appeared in court today for arraignment. But they didn’t go alone.

Pasadena Court Protesters

A crowd gathered outside the Pasadena Superior Court to show its support for the demonstrators. Holding signs that read, “SeaWorld: Cruel Orca Prison” and “SeaWorld Hurts Orcas,” the group cheered as the Rose Parade demonstrators entered the courthouse.

Pasadena Supporters

Each of the demonstrators educated millions of Rose Parade viewers about how SeaWorld tears orca families apart and forces these majestic animals to exsist in tiny, chemical-laden pools, performing confusing tricks in exchange for dead fish. And thankfully, none of the demonstrators was charged today.

Seaworld Protest Supporters in Pasadena

PETA’s protesters have received a phenomenal response from people across the country who join us in refusing to support SeaWorld’s orca prisons, and we’ll continue to protest this cruel theme park at every opportunity. You can help orcas wherever you are by using PETA’s form to ask SeaWorld to release the captive animals into ocean sanctuaries.

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