Dogs’ Vocal Cords Cut in Crude Chinese Street Debarking Procedures

Published by Danny Prater.
2 min read

Outlets around the world are sharing shocking video footage and images taken in southwest China that show terrified dogs with their mouths being held open as they’re subjected to crude debarking (devocalization) procedures in the middle of a crowded market. The Chinese “veterinarian” seen in the pictures and video below was reportedly performing as many as 10 of these debarking procedures per hour—leaving discarded tissue from dogs’ throats lying in the street around him and failing to sterilize his equipment. The man allegedly told an undercover reporter that he didn’t actually have a license to perform the procedure.

Warning: The images and video below are graphic and may distress viewers.

HOMO BARBARIANS: AN UNLICENSED VET CAUGHT CUTTING VOCAL CORDS OFF DOGS ON THE STREET ! WARNING: DISTRESSING VIDEO (HOWEVER, VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW THE FULL OPERATION) A Chinese man is being investigated for running a "veterinary" clinic on the street that cut the vocal cords of "noisy" dogs for a fee, local authorities announced Monday. Horrifying pictures and videos have emerged which show one unlicensed vet, in south-west China, performed devocalisation operations on dozens of dogs in the street as his assistant forced open the mouths of the animals. Chinese media in Chengdu, the capital of southwest Sichuan province, released footage Sunday of the alleged quack using scissors to remove anaesthetised dogs' vocal cords while their jaws were held open with string.The Chengdu Business Report noted that the self-proclaimed "veterinarian" conducted these five-minute procedures on a table at the side of the street.The ground by his feet was splattered with blood, according to the video footage. The report said it appeared that he did not wash his instruments between uses.While debarking — also known as "bark softening" — is an established surgical procedure used to reduce tissue in dogs' vocal cords and soften (but not eliminate) their bark, the local forestry bureau said in a statement that the man, surnamed Zeng, was not licensed to operate on animals.His business, which has been ordered to shut down, is under investigation.Customers interviewed by Chengdu Business Report said they came to the stand because their dogs were too noisy, prompting complaints from neighbours.Zeng charged between 50 and 80 yuan ($8 and $12), depending on the size of the dog.Video & Info Source: We do not own and do not claim to own all the images and video appearing on the post of our COPAL Facebook page. The images/ videos belong to their respective owners, who may have copyright over them. The images/ videos are taken from various different sources to aware and educate people around the world.LIKE & SHARE "COPAL": COPAL:

Posted by COPAL कोपल on Tuesday, September 19, 2017


While this practice is easy to criticize, it’s important to note that China isn’t the only place where debarking is performed. In fact, the procedure takes place right here in the United States, where laws restricting it are on the books in only six states.

Barking is a dog’s means of communicating many different feelings—fear, frustration, pain, and boredom as well as happiness. No matter where—or how—it’s done, debarking procedures strip dogs of their natural ability to vocalize and communicate. Depriving them of their primary means of expression is extremely cruel.

Debarking, or devocalization, is an invasive surgical procedure that involves removing a large amount of laryngeal tissue. It results in a great deal of postoperative pain. Because it is unnecessary and inherently inhumane, many veterinarians condemn it and refuse to perform it.

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

Barking is a natural behavior, and excessive barking is often just a symptom of boredom and loneliness. There are lots of simple and effective solutions, including the following:

  • Make sure you are giving your dog plenty of exercise, attention, and affection in addition to the basics, like food and water.
  • Welcome “outdoor dogs” indoors to live as part of the family, where they can interact with others and receive plenty of stimulation. Your local humane society can help you make this transition smoothly and easily.
  • Never use shock or citronella collars in an attempt to deter barking. Instead, call your local humane society for a referral to a humane dog trainer or animal behaviorist, and remember: Barking is normal and natural, and “training” a dog to be completely silent all the time would be as inhumane as not allowing children to speak.
  • If you have to be away from home all day, ask your veterinarian or local humane society to refer you to a dog walker or doggie daycare center to alleviate your dog’s boredom and frustration.
  • After work, find a local dog park or set up doggie play dates at which dogs can bark to their heart’s content.

And share this post with your friends, family, and social media followers to let them know that debarking is cruel and unnecessary!

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