Check It Out: Chained Dogs Seen Through Google Glass

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

When a donor arranged for PETA to get our hands on the new cutting-edge Google Glass eyewear, we had PETA’s fieldworkers slide them on and give people an eyewitness account of how PETA helps lonely chained dogs in underserved areas of southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina every day.

Here’s a sampling of what they shot:

In some areas, it’s still legal to leave dogs out in the cold like this, chained up for life (until PETA is able to change the laws and win them their freedom, that is). But thanks to your support, PETA has been able to deliver more sturdy doghouses, warm straw bedding, food, and toys to lonely chained dogs and transport more animals to and from our spay-and-neuter clinics.

And we’ve been able to rescue more animals from life-threatening situations—animals like Blue, the malnourished pit bull mix who was locked inside a carrier with the skeletal remains of another dog. We were able to share our evidence, including video and photographs, with the local prosecutor, and Blue’s owner was convicted of cruelty to animals and sentenced to a year in jail.

PETA has come a long way since the days when we had to take 35-millimeter pictures of neglected animals, have them developed at Walgreens, and cross our fingers and hope that they  turned out and would be good enough to inspire people to support our lifesaving work.

If you are one of the people who helps to fund projects like these with your PETA membership, thank you. And if you haven’t officially joined PETA yet, please consider becoming a card-carrying member today.

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