Are You Wearing Her Mom? Robot Calf Charli XC Cow Would Like a Word

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Meet Charli XC Cow, PETA’s sassy new AI-powered robot calf, who’s been visiting shopping centers around the country to give folks an acownt of who they’re wearing—and what they should buy instead.

text on green banner that reads Mom?

Leather-clad shoppers should be prepared for Charli to wonder, “Are you wearing my mother?” or to point out, “Yuck! Leather is someone’s skin!” Those who try to hide their shoes or bags might encounter a trotting calf shouting, “Stop, thief! That leather purse was my sister,” followed by facts about how leather harms animals and the planet.

But even people who get a Charli XC Cow call-out can’t help but smile and whip out their phones, and many respond, “You’re right—I need to do better.” When passersby tell her they’re wearing vegan leather or no animals at all, Charli breaks into a charming happy dance or jumps up to create an air heart with her hooves. And she loves being gently petted by kids and telling them, “Kindness seems more your style.”

As Charli demonstrates, cows are highly intelligent and deeply emotional animals who form tight bonds with their herd members, have best friends, hold grudges, and shed tears when they experience a loss. Like the rest of us, they’re happiest when they’re with the ones they love. The mother-calf bond is particularly strong, and new moms on dairy farms have been filmed wailing and chasing the trucks that are hauling their infants away to be used for veal and calfskin. All cows used in the beef, dairy, and leather industries endure miserable lives and painful, terrifying deaths in slaughterhouses.

Five black-and-white cows, one sniffing camera

Charli is on the move!

Charli greets passersby
Charli approaching woman wearing white
A woman petting Charli lying down

Charli has visited various cities, including Detroit, Nashville, New York City, and West Palm Beach, and may be coming to a shopping center near you next. Ensure you get the heart hooves by visiting and giving your wardrobe an animal-friendly upgrade.

Want to help Charli stick up for her kin? Please join us in urging Coach to switch to vegan leather.

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