A Little Bird Told Us … Hollywood Gossip

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Beloved actor Michael Clarke Duncan from The Green Mile is keeping his mile-high frame in shape with a green vegetarian diet. The star of the new show The Finder is also a huge animal lover!

Our pal Russell Simmons tweeted about the letter that we sent to his pal Dr. Dre regarding his ear atrocities, while Ashley Judd was busy asking her Twitter followers not to patronize circuses:


The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act has a new ally—Harry’s Law. A recent episode tackled the issue of whether apes could be defined as persons under the law, with Kathy Bates’ character arguing, “Apes are a lot less inhuman than we would like to think….There’s a qualitative shift happening in the way we view the animal world, especially when it comes to apes.”

Underwood was PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian of 2005, and plenty of other sexy stars have turned heads to change hearts. Check out the Mirror‘s ranking of PETA and our affiliates’ top naked celebrity ads.

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