Canadian Sealers ‘Hyped Up’ to Extend Slaughter

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

In yet another one of Canada’s attempts to get the media hyped about its bloody seal slaughter, Fisheries Minister Gail Shea just announced an “extension” of the slaughter through the end of May after sealers bemoaned the lack of opportunities to engage in their bloody business.


© The Humane Society of the United States
Seal Slaughter


The funny thing is under Canada’s Marine Mammal Regulations Canadian sealers have been allowed to bludgeon or shoot hundreds of thousands of young seals to death until June 15.

Ms. Shea is a veteran when it comes to attempting to put a positive spin on this ugly massacre—she refers to seals as “market opportunities” to be “harvested,” so it’s little surprise that she’s trying to appease sealers and the public with manufactured assistance.

As PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews put it, “This is just another desperate attempt to save the dying commercial seal slaughter. The politicians from all the major federal parties are so desperate for the eight seats in the House of Commons that represent sealing communities that they’ll do anything to show voters that they are supporting all business endeavors—even the hideous seal slaughter—despite the fact that it costs the government millions.”

Of course, it’s easy enough to ignore the political maneuvering by turning your back on travel and spreading the word far and wide.

Written by Jennifer O’Connor

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