100 Warmhearted People Brave the Cold to Expose Canada Goose’s Cruelty

Published by Danny Prater.
2 min read

Shoppers in Montréal saw PETA’s latest chilly message for Canada Goose firsthand in a stunning lighted demonstration. Even though temperatures dropped below freezing in the Canadian city last weekend, nothing could stop 100 warmhearted people from flooding the snowy streets outside Influence U, a retailer in Montréal that sells Canada Goose apparel, to protest the way that coyotes and geese suffer and die in the production of Canada Goose jackets and accessories. They had a special message for shoppers walking by, spelled out in large lighted letters: Canada Goose Kills.

Watch for yourself:

All across the U.S. and Canada, these glowing signs have been shining a light on Canada Goose’s cruelty for months. Make no mistake: Frigid temperatures won’t stop PETA from doing what’s right for animals. Compassionate people everywhere know that there’s nothing colder than killing animals for fleeting fashion trends, and they won’t stop protesting until Canada Goose stops using living, sentient beings to stuff and line its jackets.

See more pictures:

peta protest montreal influence u canada goose
lighted signs at a peta protest in montreal
peta protest montreal - canada goose outside influence u
peta protest montreal influence u canada goose

Help Us Put Even More Pressure on Canada Goose

Let this company know that you won’t buy any of its products as long as it uses animals for clothing. Shop for cruelty-free fur alternatives, and ask your family and friends to do the same. Want to take direct action now? 

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