‘If I Can Dream’ …

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

… that handsome actor Ben Elliott, stunning model Giglianne Braga, and hunky singer-songwriter Justin Gaston (also known for canoodling with Miley Cyrus) would agree to strip for PETA’s “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign, would my dream come true? The answer is yes!

We’re delighted that after viewing our exposé about the ugly, cruel fur industry (and in one case, receiving a little parental guidance), the three stars of the live interactive sensation If I Can Dream each decided to support our anti-fur efforts by posing naked for famed photographer Robert Sebree.

Watch the drama unfold—from their first meeting with PETA’s Michelle Cho to learning how to camouflage their naughty bits to the threesome’s steamy photo shoot—in this taped episode.



While their near-nakedness is possibly NSFW, it’s most definitely HHFSIA—as in “Hugely Helpful for Saving Innocent Animals.” We thank Ben, Giglianne, and Justin for helping animals by taking it off—and we ask you to help them by putting it on.

Written by Karin Bennett

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