Burlesque Dancer Takes Wool out of Her Wardrobe

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Pinup girls are all the rage, but every Bettie Page protégé knows that wool sweaters are best left in the ’50s. So PETA’s burlesque dancer showed her classy chassis to save sheep’s … well, you know.

PETA Burlesque Dancer at Wool Demo
PETA Anti-Wool Demo Burlesque Dancer
PETA Anti-Wool Demo Burlesque Dancer

What PETA’s video exposé of shearing sheds in the U.S. and Australia revealed was a real drag. Sheep shearers punched the gentle animals in the face, beat and jabbed them with sharp clippers and even a hammer, poked them in the eyes, twisted their necks, and cut and ripped their skin. Sheep were left terrified and injured, and some were killed.

Our pretty pinup knows that nothing is more beautiful than compassion. So she’d rather go naked than wear wool.


Be a sweater sweetie: Go wool-free. And share this boss video to let all the hep cats know that wool ain’t cool, daddy-o.

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