BP Isn’t the Only One Polluting Our Waterways

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
Humphrey Bolton / CC by 2.0

I have good news and, well, not-so-good news. The good news is that as a result of a lawsuit filed by environmental groups, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has agreed to pay closer attention to all the factory-farm manure that often spills into our waterways.

The not-so-good news is that the EPA plans to rely on factory farms to provide the data that the agency needs—every five years. The farms will be expected to disclose, among other things, information about their manure-storage facilities and how the “excess manure” is disposed of. In other words, the EPA is letting the fox guard the henhouse.

It’s good that the EPA is doing something. But I have more faith in people like Goldman Environmental Prize–winner Lynn Henning, who gathers water samples and uses aerial photography to help hold factory farms accountable for mucking up our rivers and streams. Her efforts can really make a difference—and so can you by reminding people that farms cater to consumers. If there were no demand for flesh, eggs, or milk, then there would be no problem. So here’s to a different kind of report: our success in encouraging people to help preserve America’s waterways by going vegan.

Try passing out a copy of our vegetarian/vegan starter kit at your nearest stream!

Written by Heather Moore

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