Tasty Burger Stops Marketing Meat as ‘Humane’ After PETA Appeal

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Following discussions with PETA, Boston-based Tasty Burger agreed to stop marketing its beef burgers as “certified humane” and removed all references to “humane” meat from its menus, website, and signage.

Tasty Burger has stopped labeling its meat

“PETA appreciates that companies support farms that are trying to reduce suffering—as all farms should—but while this meat may be marginally less cruel to produce, it can never be humane,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “The only humane meal is a vegan one, such as the delicious veggie burger that Tasty Burger dishes up at its restaurants and food truck.”

“Certified humane” products like eggs, meat, and milk likely still come from animals who were crammed into sheds with no sunlight or fresh air, jabbed with electric prods, and subjected to other horrors. PETA is calling on other restaurants to follow Tasty Burger’s lead in choosing kindness over cruelty by offering vegan options that don’t cause animal suffering. There’s a huge market for plant-based meals, which appeal both to those who are already vegan and to anyone who is looking to eat more healthy and humane food.

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