Body-Painted Skeletons Scare People Out of Their Skins

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Just in time for Halloween, PETA members wearing little more than black-and-white bodypaint posed as “skeletons” in upright coffins in Seattle and Los Angeles with signs proclaiming, “I Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead in Fur/Wool/Leather/Down.”

Skeleton demo on Hollywood Boulevard
Skeleton demo in Seattle
Skeleton demo in Seattle

“People who still wear animal skins have skeletons in their closet,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA’s haunting display calls on shoppers to spare gentle sheep, cows, foxes, rabbits, and geese from horrific slaughter by choosing vegan coats, jackets, sweaters, and accessories.”

Sheep are beaten, punched, kicked, and even killed by impatient shearers in the wool industry. Animals killed for fur are caged, bludgeoned, electrocuted, and even skinned alive. Cows endure all the horrors of the meat industry—including castration, branding, and dehorning—before they are skinned for leather, and birds used for down spend their entire lives in crowded, filthy sheds until their throats are slit.

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