Bloody Canadian Flag Flying Over Our Office

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

I’m experimenting with more descriptive titles for these entries—I feel like this one really gets the point across. There’s often some pretty wild stuff going on outside PETA HQ here in Norfolk, and I’m sometimes a little trepidatious when I come into work in the mornings, because there’s always a chance there’ll be a huge exhibit in our parking lot (like when we launched the Animal Liberation display), or a giant elephant sculpture outside our front doors (seriously, don’t even ask), and I should have expected something this morning, since it’s that time of year when Canada gears up to disgrace itself in the global community by indulging in a bit of large-scale torture-for-profit. The bloody flag, flying at half mast outside our doors, is quite a sight if you drive by the building, and, in my opinion, a really striking way of taking part in the international outcry against the seal hunt. Just thought I’d share:

Oh Canada.jpg
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