Beyoncé Is Crazy in Love With Vegan Food

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

People can’t stop talking about Beyoncé’s fit-but-still-curvy physique, and many speculate that her 22-day vegan cleanse had something to do with it. Bey must have been happy with the results because it looks like she’s going for round two. The singer just posted a new picture of vegan food on Instagram with the hashtag #22daysvegan. If this keeps up, Queen Bey may soon have another jewel for her crown: PETA’s Sexiest Vegan Celebrity award.


In other celebrity news:

Sir Paul McCartney: I Am a Vegetarian
  • After seeing the gruesome scenes from the annual dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, millions of people around the world are calling for it to end. Katie Couric invited the former dolphin trainer featured in The Cove, Ric O’Barry, and other marine-mammal experts on her show to talk about the slaughter, how it is fueled by marine-mammal parks, and what people can do to help end it.
  • Russell Simmons came up with his own novel way to help stop the dolphin slaughter. Appearing on Jane Velez-MitchellRussell placed the onus on the U.S. government to use its relationship with Japan to see the massacre ended. “I know that there’s a negotiation of some sort, a bill, a partnership that’s being formed,” he said, “and America could ask for [President Obama] to include in the bill some kind of a shift in their policy regarding those dolphins.”
Orca at Seaworld

And the Taiji dolphin slaughter and abuse of marine mammals in captivity continue to dominate Twitter:

And despite record cold temperatures, we felt toasty warm reading all the lovely sentiments about rescued animals that the stars were tweeting this week:

To keep up with what all your favorite stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter.

Learn more about the ways in which a vegan diet is better for your healththe environment, and even your sex life.

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