Bake Vegan for Haiti Relief

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

As you know, the situation in Haiti is dire, and aid is still desperately needed for all victims of the earthquake. Last week, PETA joined the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) to assist animals in the area—this week, PETA staff members are baking their buns off for this weekend’s national vegan fundraiser, and all proceeds will go toward helping the victims of this disaster. Our vegan desserts and treats are sure to be delicious and—since we’ll be following baking tips from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine—healthy.


groovyvegetarian / CC


Want to get involved? Check the long list of bake-sale participants at Post Punk Kitchen—if there isn’t an event organized in your area, sign up to organize one. Then tell us which one (or three!) of PCRM’s recipes you’ll be making.

Written by Karin Bennett

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