Clever, Compassionate, and Crafty Animals
Whether it’s for brilliance, bravery, or breathtaking ability, these animals take home the prize.
- What a mom. A sweet homeless dog deserves a parenting award for helping her puppies beat the heat.
- Brainy parrots deserve a spot on the kindergarten honor roll—not in a cage.
- Danny Ocean could get some pointers from these crafty crows.
- Therapists would commend honeybees’ openness about their feelings.
- But maybe dogs, with their uncanny ability to understand us, are really the best therapists.
- Rescued feline Rusty snagged a catnip reward from PETA for saving his guardian’s life.
- For best eyesight, it’s not bats or flies. Look no further than the jellyfish. (Too bad experimenters can’t see that they need to be left alone.)
Written by Michelle Sherrow