Zachary Toliver

Zachary Toliver

Zachary spent most of his life bouncing around various rural Midwestern towns before finally settling down in the Pacific Northwest—largely because of the region’s phenomenal vegan food. If he’s not writing or playing banjo for a captive audience (aka “the two dogs who live with him”), you can assume he’s hiking in the Cascade mountains, rock climbing, or reading about the complex social lives of fish.

Exposed: Live Chickens Tossed Into Dump Truck Like Garbage
Exposed: Live Chickens Tossed Into Dump Truck Like Garbage

According to an eyewitness, factory-farm workers filled dump trucks with what appeared to be scores of chickens—some of them still alive.

Try Not to Explode From Cuteness Overload as This Bunny Plays Jenga
Animal Companions
Try Not to Explode From Cuteness Overload as This Bunny Plays Jenga

We all know that rabbits love to hop, but what about playing games?

At Least 12 People Inevitably Injured in Chaotic Bull Run
At Least 12 People Inevitably Injured in Chaotic Bull Run

For some asinine reason, some people get a kick out of watching animals suffer.

Hooked Topless ‘Mermaid’ Hangs in Protest of Cruel Fishing Industry
Hooked Topless ‘Mermaid’ Hangs in Protest of Cruel Fishing Industry

Hanging several feet in the air from hooks pierced through her back, this PETA “mermaid” wants you to know that “Fishing Hurts.

Pedestrians Panic as Escaped Horse Runs Through New York Traffic
Pedestrians Panic as Escaped Horse Runs Through New York Traffic

Horse-drawn carriages are simply accidents waiting to happen.

‘Pirates’ Draws Fire over Reports of Monkey Vomiting on Set
‘Pirates’ Draws Fire over Reports of Monkey Vomiting on Set

Pirates of the Caribbean producers need to wise up, join the modern age of computer-generated imagery, and stop forcing sensitive wild animals to perform on camera.

Nosey Gets a Break After County Prohibits Animal Acts
Nosey Gets a Break After County Prohibits Animal Acts

Thanks to PETA and our supporters, venues all over the country have canceled scheduled performances by Nosey or agreed never to host her again.

We’re Winning: More Than 50 Travel Companies Pull Elephant Rides
We’re Winning: More Than 50 Travel Companies Pull Elephant Rides

As awareness of the cruelty of elephant “encounters” continues to grow, dozens of travel companies have agreed not to offer rides or other activities that harm elephants.

There’s a Good Chance That ‘Walking Dog’ Was Beaten Into Performing
There’s a Good Chance That ‘Walking Dog’ Was Beaten Into Performing

Before you hit the “like” button for this recent viral phenomenon, please realize that this dog could have been abused for these fleeting moments of entertainment.

Pups Find Love at PETA’s Poochella Adoption Event
Pups Find Love at PETA’s Poochella Adoption Event

Peace, love, and paws! Poochella filled the Bea Arthur Dog Park with free food, live music, and canine camaraderie.

Dog Falls out Moving Car on Busy Highway, Is Left Hanging by a Leash
Dog Falls out Moving Car on Busy Highway, Is Left Hanging by a Leash

Dogs love an open window, but as seen in this video, it’s vital to make sure that they’re properly buckled up.

Fans Are Work, Work, Worked Up Over Rihanna’s Recent Fashion Debacle
Fans Are Work, Work, Worked Up Over Rihanna’s Recent Fashion Debacle

We can all end our “same ol’ mistakes” about our fashion choices.

Barack Obama Urges World to Eat Less Meat (but Isn’t Vegan—Yet!)
Barack Obama Urges World to Eat Less Meat (but Isn’t Vegan—Yet!)

The Obamas work to tackle climate change, Barack’s favorite food is broccoli, and Michelle’s legacy is based on improving people’s health, but they still haven’t ditched animal-derived foods.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
Watch: Zebra’s Escape Creates Dangerous Situation for the Public and Animal
Watch: Zebra’s Escape Creates Dangerous Situation for the Public and Animal

This bewildered zebra collided with a car, sending shards of glass toward the driver.

PETA’s Push for H&M to Go Leather-Free Heads to the Boardroom
PETA’s Push for H&M to Go Leather-Free Heads to the Boardroom

H&M claims to be taking “steps towards responsible leather,” admitting that the leather currently on its shelves is not “responsible.” And it never will be.

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