PETA’s head-turning billboards circled the streets around SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium for hours urging people to avoid these animal prisons.
Fall is here, and while everything from the trees to the weather is starting to change, PETA’s track record for success always stays constant.
PETA Asia called for a boycott of a new reality TV show in China called “We Are Friends” after receiving footage of abuse behind the scenes.
Despite setbacks earlier this year, New Jersey is on track to become the first state ever to ban wild animals from traveling acts!
PETA Germany—with support from PETA U.S.—has persuaded a major German hospital to stop cutting pigs apart in deadly training exercises for surgeons.
Sales are declining for the dairy industry, but farmers refuse to slow production. The U.S. is up to its eyeballs in dairy “products” no one wants.
The new study reiterates what PETA has said for years—it’s irrational to mutilate and kill animals to train trauma medics.
Whether you’re setting up a cheeky Halloween display or preparing for your own demise, PETA’s coffin and urn stickers are to die for.
The takeaway from the overwhelmingly negative backlash against The Big E fair is this: Inhumane spectacles face more opposition than ever before.
These animals felt their skin boil and their lungs burn just like humans would. Don’t let their deaths be in vain. Go vegan now.
Pumpkin beer, delicious food, and an excuse to wear lederhosen—everyone’s favorite German-themed holiday #Voktoberfest is here!
PETA will continue to defend our right to speak out, using creative and lawful means, until Texas A&M’s cruel experiments on dogs end.
No tests on animals for Dove, and parent Unilever bans all tests not specifically required by law across all other brands.
The university lab has proved time and again that it’s incapable of doing the bare minimum required by federal law to protect animals there.
Every time we see animals on the news who’ve escaped from transport trucks, gone running, and dodged traffic, we root for them.