Zachary Toliver

Zachary Toliver

Zachary spent most of his life bouncing around various rural Midwestern towns before finally settling down in the Pacific Northwest—largely because of the region’s phenomenal vegan food. If he’s not writing or playing banjo for a captive audience (aka “the two dogs who live with him”), you can assume he’s hiking in the Cascade mountains, rock climbing, or reading about the complex social lives of fish.

Video: Roadside Zoo Declawed Lion so Visitors Could ‘Play’ With Her
Video: Roadside Zoo Declawed Lion so Visitors Could ‘Play’ With Her

Disturbing acts like this are exactly why PETA worked so hard to set a legal precedent against these pointless mutilations in the U.S.

FOUR PAWS International
Are Fish Really Self-Aware? Here’s Why That’s the Wrong Question
Are Fish Really Self-Aware? Here’s Why That’s the Wrong Question

For the first time, a species of fish has passed the mirror self-recognition test. How long will people ignore the complex lives of fish?

Horse-Drawn Carriage Crash in Savannah Sends 7 People to the Hospital
Horse-Drawn Carriage Crash in Savannah Sends 7 People to the Hospital

This isn’t the first time an accident involving a horse-drawn carriage in Savannah has resulted in injury—but let’s help make it the last.

How President Abraham Lincoln Once Saved Elephants From a Life of Slavery
How President Abraham Lincoln Once Saved Elephants From a Life of Slavery

Sure, he was the “Great Emancipator” and a notable vampire slayer—but we should also celebrate Honest Abe for saving elephants.

PETA x Coalition LA Talk ‘Conscious Fashion’ at WWDMAGIC Trade Show
PETA x Coalition LA Talk ‘Conscious Fashion’ at WWDMAGIC Trade Show

PETA x Coalition LA presented a vegan fashion panel in partnership with WWDMAGIC, the largest womenswear trade show in the U.S.

Hailley Howard Photography | WWDMAGIC
Treat Yo’ Self to Luxury—Magnum Releases New Vegan Ice Cream Bars
Treat Yo’ Self to Luxury—Magnum Releases New Vegan Ice Cream Bars

Get ready to pamper your taste buds—luxury ice cream company Magnum has released two new vegan ice cream bars nationwide.

PETA Went the Extra Yard to Save Chickens This Super Bowl Sunday
PETA Went the Extra Yard to Save Chickens This Super Bowl Sunday

Nearly 1.33 billion wings—from about 300 million birds—were consumed during last year’s Super Bowl. PETA refused to sit on the sidelines.

Med School On Blast After Hamsters Die in ‘Social Defeat’ Experiment
Med School On Blast After Hamsters Die in ‘Social Defeat’ Experiment

Forcing stressed hamsters into deadly conflict is more than bad science—it’s a violation of federal law. Help PETA end tests like this now.

These Black Vegans Who Save Animals Inspire PETA
These Black Vegans Who Save Animals Inspire PETA

Countless vegans of color are choosing health and consciousness over animal exploitation and death—proving that going vegan is for everyone.

New PETA Germany Video: Grocery Shopping Is a Matter of Life and Death
New PETA Germany Video: Grocery Shopping Is a Matter of Life and Death

The choices we make at the supermarket are a matter of life and death. For animals, the planet, and ourselves, we must go vegan.

No Longer a ‘Cereal’ Killer: PETA Persuades Kellogg to End Animal Tests
No Longer a ‘Cereal’ Killer: PETA Persuades Kellogg to End Animal Tests

PETA has helped put an end to Kellogg’s horrific experiments, which included starving animals and mutilating their intestines.

How NIH Could Save Animals’ Lives and Billions of Dollars
How NIH Could Save Animals’ Lives and Billions of Dollars

A new report shows that grant funding is desperately needed for innovative, human-based research. Where are federal grants going, instead?

Canada’s Food Guide Favors Plant-Based Protein Over Animal Flesh, Dairy
Canada’s Food Guide Favors Plant-Based Protein Over Animal Flesh, Dairy

The meat and dairy industries understandably feared Canada’s new food guide: Dishonest claims that they’ve pushed for decades are crumbling.

APA’s Toxic ‘Traditional Masculinity’ Should Include Hunting, Eating Animals
APA’s Toxic ‘Traditional Masculinity’ Should Include Hunting, Eating Animals

Imagine having such a fragile sense of self that you’d torment, kill, and eat defenseless individuals just to look “manly.”

Got Conned? How Big Dairy and Big Brother Have Duped You for Decades
Got Conned? How Big Dairy and Big Brother Have Duped You for Decades

Did you know that after World War I, America was overwhelmed by unwanted cow’s milk? (Smell that? It’s the dank scent of foreshadowing.)

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