Zachary Toliver

Zachary Toliver

Zachary spent most of his life bouncing around various rural Midwestern towns before finally settling down in the Pacific Northwest—largely because of the region’s phenomenal vegan food. If he’s not writing or playing banjo for a captive audience (aka “the two dogs who live with him”), you can assume he’s hiking in the Cascade mountains, rock climbing, or reading about the complex social lives of fish.

PETA Will Protest the Toronto Film Fest Until Canada Goose Is Dropped

On the opening day of the Toronto International Film Festival, attendees came face to face with PETA’s anti–Canada Goose message.

Full-Page Ad Calls For Complete Egg Boycott, Blasts Walmart Supplier

PETA’s ad reminds consumers that they have the power to make a change and end the needless suffering of hens by boycotting eggs now.

1 Year Later, How Have PETA Scientists Helped the EPA End Tests on Mammals?

One year ago today, the EPA committed to ending toxicity experiments on mammals. How much has changed since then?

Tragic PETA Video Pushes El Al Israel Airlines to Ban Hunting Trophies

After PETA released video footage of a bloodthirsty elephant hunter, it’s apparent that El Al Israel Airlines could no longer stomach shipping hunting trophies.

PETA Ad Warns Kentucky Derby Bettors to Hold Their Tickets

PETA is warning bettors to hold all tickets after the races conclude, as they may be able to sue trainers who illegally drug horses.

Don’t Let Your Masks Harm Animals! How to Dispose of Them Responsibly

Masks aren’t going away anytime soon. The good news? We can all take a little extra care to make sure they don’t hurt fellow animals.

Outraged Over Chicks Dying in the Mail? We Understand—Join Us to Stop It!

Thousands of chicks shipped to farmers via the USPS have arrived dead in recent weeks—these reports are giving many people their first glimpse into the deadly egg industry.

10 Facts Reveal How North Carolina’s Meat Industry Kills People of Color

Unregulated dumping of waste, expansion of chicken farms—North Carolina’s meat industry is a major part of the state’s environmental racism problem.

Coronavirus Sent Around the World? Traces Detected on Meat Packaging

Although they’re virus hotspots and infected workers have died, slaughterhouses’ coronavirus responses have been weak. So are traces of the virus on meat packages surprising?

Victory! Pig-Protecting Defendants Will NOT Serve Time in Jail for Exposing a Cruel Canadian Hog Farm

Victory! The pig defenders who exposed a cruel hog farm in British Columbia, Canada, will NOT serve time behind bars.

Chained Puppies, an Orphaned Owl, and Many More Animals PETA Helped in July

From an orphaned owl to a suffering goose to doghouses delivered, here are some highlights from our field team, which came to the aid of animals in need.

Just Released: Cows Suffer on JBS Trucks for Hours Before Slaughter

The appalling treatment of cows killed for their flesh begins long before workers hang them upside down, slit their throats, and bleed them out on a kill floor.

Hannah Elizabeth
Animal Companions
Dogs and Cats Starved and Abused at ‘Rescues’—Why Does This Keep Happening?

Ironically, authorities raid self-proclaimed “rescues” almost weekly to rescue animals from severe abuse and neglect. Make sure your support goes to the right place.

Huge PETA Win! Taiwan Drops Drowning, Electric Shock Tests on Animals

In a groundbreaking decision, PETA pushed the Taiwan FDA to drop drowning and electric shock tests on animals in its draft regulation for marketing anti-fatigue health food claims.

Maryland Bans Drug for 2-Year-Old Horses Used to Boost Speeds

Racing 2-year-old horses is controversial, especially when trainers inject these juvenile animals with performance-enhancing drugs like Lasix.

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