Scott Miller

Scott Miller

Scott was a longtime writer for the famous humor site The Onion. So if you don’t think he’s funny, you’re wrong. He was also a sociology professor, spending most of his academic career teaching at the State University of New York–Cortland. Scott’s interest in animal rights began decades ago and continues to grow. He loves watching TV, working for PETA, and trying new vegan chicken nuggets.

PETA Picks: The Best Vegan Poutines in Canada
PETA Picks: The Best Vegan Poutines in Canada

Want to try the best vegan poutine in Canada? PETA’s list of restaurants with the best vegan poutine will have you going, “Good gravy!”

Dairy Is Milking the Toronto Maple Leafs Dry
Dairy Is Milking the Toronto Maple Leafs Dry

PETA is hitting the ice to end the Toronto Maple Leafs’ partnership with the cruel, environmentally destructive dairy industry.

Do Mice Get Motion Sickness? Plus Other Pointless Experiments on Animals
Do Mice Get Motion Sickness? Plus Other Pointless Experiments on Animals

Do Froot Loops affect rats’ penis size? Here are more pointless, cruel, and absurd experiments conducted on animals.

Blue Skies Ahead for Animals: Anti-Sunshine Law Declined Appeal by SCOTUS
Blue Skies Ahead for Animals: Anti-Sunshine Law Declined Appeal by SCOTUS

PETA is celebrating the Supreme Court’s rejection of North Carolina’s “ag-gag” appeal, a win for free speech and exposing cruelty to animals.

Rev Up and Ride Ethically: Vegan Motorcycle Gear Roundup
Personal Care & Fashion
Rev Up and Ride Ethically: Vegan Motorcycle Gear Roundup

Go animal-friendly on two wheels with PETA’s roundup of the latest vegan motorcycle gear.

© Tarform
‘Shrimply’ Irresistible: PETA’s Vegan Shrimp Roundup
‘Shrimply’ Irresistible: PETA’s Vegan Shrimp Roundup

Go animal-free and save the sea with PETA’s latest vegan shrimp roundup.

It’s Time for Hollywood to ‘Strike’ Animal Exploitation
It’s Time for Hollywood to ‘Strike’ Animal Exploitation

The writers’ and actors’ strike gives animals who are used for entertainment a much-needed break. Let’s call, “Cut!” on this exploitation.

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