Michelle Reynolds

Michelle Reynolds

Michelle first learned about the cruelty of factory farming while pursuing a degree in journalism at the University of Kentucky. She signed up for an agriculture course as an elective simply because it filled a hole in her schedule. That class, chosen by chance, precipitated her “aha” moment: She immediately stopped eating animals and started learning everything she could about animal rights. When not writing for PETA, she enjoys traveling, listening to The Beatles, spending time on the water near her home in Florida, and doting on her guinea pigs, Duke and Bogart, who were rescued during one of PETA’s PetSmart investigations, and her dog, Capone, whom PETA rescued from a chain.

Were Dogs and Cats Tormented for Your Animal’s Flea-and-Tick Products?

Most animal guardians don’t know that numerous companies are actually performing painful experiments on the same animals they purport to help.

Video: Protesters Disrupt Meeting, Demand End to Texas A&M Dog Torment

While Texas A&M University wastes precious time and resources, animals and humans suffer and die.

Amazing Video Shows Animal Advocates Charging Into a Bullfight

Brave animal advocates are jumping into bullrings and disrupting bullfights to protest the torture and show tourists what happens after the Running of the Bulls.

© Vegan Strike Group
9 ‘Jumbo’ Reasons Not to Ride on an Elephant

Here’s what happens before and after tourists take elephant-ride vacation selfies.

© iStock.com/martinhosmart
Dead Infant Whale Is SeaWorld’s Fourth Marine-Mammal Death This Year

Another baby lies dead at SeaWorld, the latest victim of its breeding program.

© iStock.com/cmeder
Slaughterhouse Charged After Pig Is Shot in the Face

The charges are further proof that “humane meat” is a myth.

© iStock.com/Edoma
Red, White, and Blue-tiful: Pretty Vegan Dishes Fit for the Fourth

These Instagram-ready eats only look like they took hours to make. (We won’t tell.)

Video: Rescued Chimpanzee Lisa Marie Finally Has a Family Again

The staff and animals waited patiently as Lisa Marie learned to trust. And just look at her today.

Sunder the Rescued Elephant’s Transformation Is Beautiful

It took years, Paul McCartney’s help, and the support of hundreds of thousands of people to win Sunder’s freedom. And his smile is worth it all.

Alan Cumming Joins PETA to Announce Legal Action to Release Tonka

The organization’s landmark legal case seeks to have 11 chimpanzees currently housed at a dismal holding facility be released to accredited sanctuaries.

Video: Four Cows Who Have Probably Seen ‘Wonder Woman’

These brave bovines fight for their friends, defend their babies, and even risk their own lives to save women.

© iStock.com/ErikDeGraaf
Victory! PETA Campaign Frees Elephant Gajraj After 50 Years of Neglect

After more than 50 long years in chains, Gajraj has been rescued.

Dallas Makes a Texas-Sized Move to Stop Animal Homelessness

Dallas is making sure that fewer dogs and cats are homeless on the range.

© iStock.com/mvaligursky
Animal Companions
Dog Meat Sold as Chicken; Dog Skin Sold as Leather

Eyewitness investigations show that dog meat and skin are deliberately mislabeled and sold to unsuspecting consumers.

Latin American Citizens Unite Against Animal Circus

PETA and LULAC have a lot in common. And now, they can add one more item to the list: standing up for animals abused in circuses.

© iStock.com/guenterguni
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