In a new book, “Consider the Turkey”—out on October 22—philosopher Peter Singer examines how speciesism directly impacts gentle turkeys.
After hearing from PETA and receiving e-mails from our supporters, American Airlines soon will launch a vegan creamer option on its in-flight beverage menu.
The OCTO Act will make it illegal for anyone in California to engage in the aquaculture, or farming, of octopuses meant for human consumption.
This bull ran for his life and fought as hard as he could for his freedom, as any human would if someone tried to send them to slaughter.
U.S. residents moved by Tonka’s story in “Chimp Crazy” should contact their federal legislators and urge them to cosponsor the bipartisan Captive Primate Safety Act.
The Zoological Wildlife Foundation exploits animals in dangerous publicity stunts and hands-on encounters that have gone horribly wrong.
PETA applauds Claire’s compassionate decision to get feathers off its shelves and urges Forever 21 to follow suit.
PETA’s “mouse” appeared at the vice-presidential debate to call for an end to wasteful spending by the National Institutes of Health.
The death toll continues to climb at the 2024 Calgary Stampede. PETA is calling on Canadian officials to end the deadly chuckwagon races.
San Angelo, once known as the “Wool Capital of the World,” has already displayed 110 sheep statues, none of which tell the sheep’s side of the story. PETA decided to change that.
A paper coauthored by PETA scientists shows how the differences between the respiratory tracts of humans and rats affect toxicity testing—and why non-animal tests should be used instead.
PETA applauds Marc Jacobs’ compassionate decision to cut ties with the cruel exotic skins industry and urges designers everywhere to follow its lead.
As SeaWorld celebrates its 60th anniversary, PETA names 60 animals who’ve suffered in the company’s tanks. Learn more about the misery they’ve endured.
PETA asked the CEO of Chance Rides, the largest manufacturer of amusement rides in the country, to make a change that will help boost the next generation’s empathy.
PETA is grateful to the New York State Police for taking action. Now the state should ban trainer Frederick Bourgault from working with horses.