Alisa Mullins

Alisa Mullins

Alisa regularly contributes to PETA’s Animal Times magazine, and her writing has also been published in The New York TimesThe Charlotte Observer, the Las Vegas Review-JournalReader’s DigestNewsweek, and many other newspapers and magazines. Her proudest achievement was participating in a sit-in at Calvin Klein’s office that led the designer to swear off fur. Alisa is an avid gardener and HGTV addict who is never happier than when she has a shovel or paintbrush in her hand.

Can You Help Blue Beat the Baby Blues?

After bringing home a new baby, a family realizes the noisy newcomer is giving their retiring cat the blues.

Animal Companions
Pancake Is Living the Sweet Life at Last, Thanks to PETA

From abandoned and covered in ash to forming a cuddle stack with her new “pack”: See how PETA flipped the script for Pancake.

Animal Companions
Room to Run and Snuggle: Desmond’s New Home Is PURRfect

This cat was mired in his own waste inside a cage crawling with roaches before his rescue by PETA.

Animal Companions
Have a Cat? You NEED This Book

What do cats really want more than catnip? This new book by the president of PETA answers that question and others.

Animal Companions
One Person’s ‘Trash’ Could Be Your Treasure

Oscar the kitten is no grouch—all he wants is a couch to call his own.

Dog Rescued by PETA Is a Real Rock Star

Whoa-oh, he’s halfway there. This dog rescued by PETA is livin’ on a prayer for a forever family.

6 Ways to Help Your Dog Survive Fireworks Displays

As popular as fireworks displays are, animals don’t understand that the bursts of light and deafening explosions are just for fun.

Animal Companions
Video: Things Are Looking Up for a Cat Who Was Stuck in a Tree for 4 Days

Rescuers need cardiologists on speed dial as they watch a daredevil cat dart from tree to tree.

Animal Companions
What’s Up, Jax? Rescued Guinea Pig Loves Carrots More Than Bugs Bunny Does

Tuber or not tuber? A carrot-loving guinea pig who was rescued by PETA is seeking a new place to put down roots.

Animal Companions
Video: How to Prepare Your Pup for Post-Pandemic Life

If your new normal includes spending less time at home, here are some tips to help animal companions adjust to the change.

Animal Companions
Matted Dog Does Touchdown Dance After Getting Long-Overdue Haircut

After PETA rescued a severely matted dog from a depressing backyard pen, you won’t believe how happy she is to get her first haircut.

Animal Companions
Rescued Cat Puts the ‘Purr’ in Pearl

Pearl didn’t have to contend with a pair of inept burglars when she was left home alone, but that didn’t mean this cat wasn’t in deep trouble.

Animal Companions
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a … Cat?

Wendy was stuck 50 feet up a tree, but just as PETA came to her rescue, this daredevil cat decided to save herself.

Animal Companions
Are You ‘Kitten’ Me? Tiny Cat Almost Kicked Out on the Street

This kitten was in danger of landing in the streets before PETA’s own version of the Tiny Ones Transport Service swooped in.

Animal Companions
Once the Loneliest Dog, Wolfie’s Running With a New Pack (Video)

A chained dog who was too frightened to come out of her doghouse comes out of her shell in a new home with a loving family.

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