All He Wants for Christmas Is You

Published by Alisa Mullins.
2 min read

Right now, many of us are celebrating the birth of a certain baby as “the most wonderful time of the year.” But for this kitten, the impending birth of a baby turned out to be not very wonderful at all.

Cute black and white kitten

Chandler’s owners had tried to do the right thing. They called PETA’s low-cost mobile spay/neuter clinic on the advice of a friend to get the 5-month-old kitten neutered. So far, so good. But when an examination by our clinic vet revealed that Chandler had a minor medical issue, his owners decided that he could no longer be under the same roof as a new baby, who was expected any day.

In other words, there was no room at the inn for Chandler.

Cute black and white kitten under Christmas tree with multicolored lights

That’s when an angel appeared to him—in the form of a PETA fieldworker—with the glad tidings that he wouldn’t be sent away but would instead be spending the holidays with a loving foster family.

Cute black-and-white kitten on PETA

Chandler’s foster mom reports that he enjoys perching on her shoulder as he purrs along to “Feline Navidad,” “Here Comes Santa Claws,” and other holiday tunes. His favorite toy is a miniature stuffed elephant that he carries around everywhere. With treatment, his ailment is clearing up fast, so he’ll be ready to follow a star to his new home very soon.

Black and white kitten on back of couch with brighlty lit Christmas tree in background

We hope that Chandler doesn’t have to wait much longer for three wise men—or even just one relatively intelligent person—to realize how special he is and welcome him into the family. Is that person you? E-mail [email protected] to let us know, let us know, let us know.

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