A Doggone Win: RKD Group Stops Using Breathing-Impaired Breeds in Ads

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Bulldogs, pugs, and other breathing-impaired breeds (BIB) suffer from an array of physical disabilities and health issues due to their purposely flattened, pushed-in snouts. Their deliberately distorted and restricted airways shorten their lives and cause them to pant, snort, wheeze, and struggle to breathe.

After hearing from PETA, a growing list of ad and marketing agencies, organizations, retailers, and other businesses are taking responsibility for the impact that marketing has on consumers and refusing to use images of BIBs in publications and ads. This conscientious decision can help reduce the demand for dogs with features that cause them to suffer—and will encourage more people not to breed these animals as a result.

Portland-based AI artist Shad Clark

What Companies and Other Organizations Have Stopped Using Images of BIBs?

Ad agencies and similar organizations such as RKD Group, Wieden+Kennedy (one of the largest independent ad agencies in the world), Wunderman Thompson, Ogilvy, Leo Burnett Chicago, the Ad Council, RPA, and Sanders\Wingo pledged not to feature images of BIBs in any newly produced advertising or marketing materials going forward. Major bank holding company Ally Financial made a similar commitment for its ads. Additionally, Rite Aid pledged to phase out all greeting cards featuring these unhealthy breeds, demonstrating a shift across multiple industries!

PETA is celebrating these industry leaders for taking a stand against promoting flat-faced dogs and urges other ad agencies, businesses, and institutions to follow their lead.

Cute shaggy mixed breed dog playing with ball outside

What You Can Do to Help BIBs: Urge the University of Georgia to Stop Bullying Dogs

The University of Georgia (UGA) continues to prop up the cruel dog-breeding industry by making bulldogs its symbol and subjecting them to the stress and danger of being used as its mascot, Uga.

list of health issues commonly affecting purebred bulldogs

It’s cruel to shuffle live animals from game to game as if they were sporting equipment. Being forced into a bright stadium full of screaming fans and frightening noise is stressful and terrifying for sensitive animals, including dogs, who are affectionate and loyal and would much rather be at home with loving guardians.

Most universities and professional sports teams now use costumed human mascots, who can engage with fans, pose for pictures, lead cheers, and pump up the crowd.

Please contact UGA officials and urge them to replace the school’s live bulldog mascot with a willing human one.

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