Ad Board Clears PETA UK’s ‘Child Abuse’ Ad

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

After PETA UK released its brand-new “Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse” billboard, a number of groups complained about the ad to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Having a brief look through the list of complainants, it really seems like they all have something in common, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it. It does strike me as a bit weird that The National Farmers’ Union, the Guild of Welsh Lamb and Beef Suppliers, and the International Meat Trade should suddenly come down with a case of social responsibility, but who am I to question them? I’m sure they’re just worried about Britain’s children. It’s a moot point though, as the ASA rejected the complaints and cleared the ad, because, honestly, if feeding dead bodies to your kids isn’t widely considered to be abusive, it probably should be …

Either way, the ad’s a classic. Check it out:

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