A Congress Member and Vegan Pâté: A Recipe for Helping People

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

It doesn’t take an act of Congress to help people and animals at the same time. Congress member Eleanor Holmes Norton, who represents Washington, D.C., is known for having spent her career fighting for the rights of women, African-Americans, and workers. What is less often reported is that she also works to gain more rights for animals.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton accepts PETA’s Justice in Action award.
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton accepts PETA’s Justice in Action award.

As a special thank-you to Norton for recognizing that justice for human beings and justice for all other animals go hand in hand, PETA is donating $15,000 worth of nutritious vegan food in her honor to two D.C.-area centers that help feed the hungry, Martha’s Table and the Capital Area Food Bank.

PETA donates $15,000 in vegan pate to food banks

Suzanne Ericcson, a longtime PETA member and distributor for Tartex, a European producer of gourmet plant-based treats, generously provided the food for the donation: 3,000 tins of its tasty, high-protein vegan pâté. The gift will help Martha’s Table and the Capital Area Food Bank give food to the 496,000 people they assist every year and will save animals’ lives—helping both humans and animals at the same time. Much like Norton herself.

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