3 Lives for $2.99

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

KFC is known to work with suppliers that breed and drug chickens to grow so large that they can’t even walk, cut off baby birds’ sensitive beaks without any painkillers, and drop birds into tanks of scalding-hot water—often while they are still conscious. KFC accepts these cruel practices because they help fill the chain’s buckets of chicken at a cheap price.

To highlight the twisted practices of a company that focuses on its wallets while ignoring animal welfare, we’ve created a series of provocative billboards. “Another Life, Another Dollar,” “3 Lives for $2.99,” and “Cheap Chicken Means Animals Pay a High Price” are just a few of the taglines. Hey, we never said subtlety was our forte.

Check out the ads, and then tell us which is your favorite by leaving a comment below!

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