Video Testimony Instructions: JHU Brain Experiments

Thank you for volunteering to submit video testimony to help end cruel ADHD brain experiments on barn owls. Please see the filming instructions below.

Filming Instructions

  • Make sure there is minimal or no background noise, disturbances, or echoes.
  • Place your recording device on a stable platform.
  • The frame of your recording device should be VERTICAL. (See the diagram.)

  • Lighting should be bright and ambient (e.g., open window shades, turn on lights, etc.), ideally with the largest light source in front of you on the opposite side of the camera.
  • Animal-derived products (e.g., leather, fish tanks, etc.) should never be visible.
  • The background should be clean and tidy, without visible labels or artwork.
  • Clothing should look professional/business casual.
  • Energy is crucial. Don’t just flatly read a script—we need you to connect with your audience!


  • Recommended apps for recording media:
    • Zoom/Skype (look for a “Record” button)
    • Built-in camera video apps (Check quality settings—see below.)
  • Quality settings should be as high as possible. Look for “1080p” if recording video on a phone.
    • On iPhone, go to “Settings,” “Camera,” and “Record Video.”
    • On Android, go to “Camera App,” “Control,” “Settings,” and “Video Quality.”
  • Record for a few seconds before you start speaking and keep recording for a few seconds after you finish.

Teleprompter websites for reading the script below (if preferred):


My name is [insert name], and I’ve been diagnosed with an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. I’m horrified that magnificent, intelligent barn owls are imprisoned in a laboratory at Johns Hopkins University for experiments that involve cutting into birds’ skulls, implanting electrodes in their brains, restraining them in plastic tubes or jackets so they can’t move their wings, clamping their eyes open, and bombarding them with sounds and lights for up to 12 hours. These brain-mangling experiments were conducted illegally for at least seven years, and owls continue to die in a purported attempt to study ADHD in humans. As someone diagnosed with such a disorder, I do not condone these horrific experiments conducted in my name or in the name of my community. These cruel and useless experiments waste millions of taxpayer dollars and fail to offer any beneficial advances for human health. The ADHD community deserves effective treatments that are the result of animal-free, human-relevant science, not crude junk science. I have a clear message for JHU President Ronald Daniels: PLEASE stop these experiments on owls in my name and switch to more effective, animal-free research methods. Thank you.

Upload your video to this Dropbox link.

Thank you for all you do for animals!

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