Too Hot For Spot: Save a Dog Now! | Thank You

With the “Too Hot for Spot” online action kit below, you will have the tools to be a dog defender this summer! You will also be receiving it via e-mail for quick reference.

  • Click here for your printable flyer of the “Too Hot for Spot” leaflet. Leave them on windshields of parked cars (be sure to check your local laws and regulations first!) to remind people never to leave unattended animals inside cars.
  • Place our “Too Hot for Spot” Web banner on your Web site or blog.
  • Reach thousands by calling your local radio station and asking them to play Simon Cowell’s vital message about the risks of leaving dogs inside parked cars.
  • Click here to draft a letter to the editor of your local newspaper letting readers know the danger of leaving animals in parked cars this summer. You can use PETA’s talking points and personalize the letter before sending it.

Most importantly, if you see a dog left in a car, take down the car’s color, model, make, and license-plate number. Have the owner paged in nearby stores, and call local humane authorities or the police. Have someone keep an eye on the dog. If the police are unresponsive or take too long to arrive and the dog’s life appears to be in imminent danger, find a witness (or several) who will back your assessment. Take steps to remove the suffering animal, and then wait for the authorities to arrive.

Thank you for making the difference between life and death for dogs trapped in hot cars this summer! We’ll be in touch soon with more ways to help during these dog days.

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