Five Easy Things You Can Do to Help Monkeys Suffering in an NIH Lab

PETA has released shocking video footage showing the ghoulish treatment of intentionally brain-damaged monkeys in experiments designed and conducted by National Institutes of Health (NIH) experimenter Elisabeth Murray.

The shocking footage shows frightened monkeys locked inside small cages as they’re terrorized repeatedly with realistic-looking snakes and spiders. First, they’re subjected to surgeries that induce permanent brain damage. “Head posts” are implanted directly into the skulls of some monkeys in order to keep their heads stock-still for hours. They’re kept thirsty or hungry to force them to cooperate, puffs of air are blown at their eyes, and they’re restrained for extended periods. They’re caged alone for years or even decades—condemned to social isolation that causes profound psychological and physiological distress.

Rhesus monkeys, just like the ones tormented in Murray’s laboratory, are sensitive, intelligent animals who normally live in large social groups and use a variety of facial expressions, vocalizations, body postures, and gestures to communicate. They do not deserve to be cut apart, frightened, and tormented all their lives for meaningless experiments. That’s why we must always speak up for animals in need. You’ve come to the perfect place to get started.

Take Action for Monkeys Abused in NIH Psychological Experiments

1. Call NIH’s director.

Take a minute to call NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli at 301-496-4000 and politely urge her to end Murray’s experiments on monkeys. Feel free to use some of our talking points below:

  • NIH experimenter Elisabeth Murray’s horrific primate experiments cause pain and trauma in vulnerable monkeys.
  • The money currently being directed toward Murray’s cruel and pointless experiments should be redirected toward cutting-edge, human-relevant, non-animal research.
  • Please close down Murray’s laboratory.
A monkey named Nurmi in a cage, being frightened by a faux snake

Let us know how your call went:

2. Use your social media accounts to contact NIH’s acting director.

Write a brief, polite comment urging Bertagnolli to end Murray’s cruel experiments on monkeys and post it to NIH’s Facebook page. Then tweet at NIH (@NIH) and ask Bertagnolli to end these experiments on monkeys now.

open letter from monkeys used in experiments - Gronk

3. E-mail the agency.

Use this link to send an e-mail to agency officials urging them to end these scientifically worthless tests on monkeys.

monkeys scared with fake spiders and snakes at NIH

4. Urge your members of Congress to call for the shutdown of this government laboratory.

Not only are Murray’s experiments extremely cruel, they’re also scientifically useless and a waste of money. They have been going on for more than 30 years but have failed to produce a cure or treatment for humans struggling with mental illness. Meanwhile, they have syphoned millions away from more promising, non-animal research methods.Since 1998, NIH has funneled nearly $47 million into this laboratory.

If you’re a U.S. resident, please join thousands of PETA supporters in calling on your members of Congress to urge Collins to put an end to Murray’s experiments.

frances collins and joshua gordon receive letter from monkeys used in NIH experiments - mackeson

5. Print or order PETA materials today.

Download the posters below—which are divided to fit onto four 8.5-inch-by-11-inch sheets of paper—cut the margins, and tape or glue the pages together on your window or a poster board.

If you live near Bethesda, Maryland, download any or both of these posters:

If you live anywhere else, download this poster:

You can also order PETA’s new magazine-rack flyer to distribute in your area:

All you have to do is e-mail us at [email protected] with your full name, mailing address, and the type and quantity of materials that you want.

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