‘Free the Animals’ Friday: Transforming Black Friday Into a Day of Compassion

Together, we can turn Black Friday into a day of hope and positive change for animals worldwide.

November 29 marks the inaugural “Free the Animals” Friday, a powerful initiative by PETA supporters around the world. This international effort aims to inspire consumers to show compassion for animals by choosing vegan items during the busiest shopping day of the year. Fur has fallen out of favor due to its inherent cruelty, and it’s time for leather to face the same fate.

“Free the Animals” Friday is the perfect time to get loud for animals and let holiday shoppers around the world know how much good they could do by making a simple change like shopping vegan. Billions of animals are bred and killed for leather and other animal-derived clothing every year.

Imagine if your throat were cut and your skin peeled off—maybe even while you were still conscious. It’s no doubt among the worst ways to die. Yet that’s what animals killed for their skin endure.

Your voice matters in this fight to stop the killing of cows and other animals for leather. By participating in “Free the Animals” Friday, you’ll be making a statement that cruelty has no place in fashion.

Companies like Coach continue to sell leather, ignoring animals’ cries of pain. We need to get loud if we want to make a difference—and that’s where you come in:

Looking for other ways to speak up for animals on “Free the Animals” Friday? Follow these steps:

  • Send a message to Coach letting it know you want it to switch to vegan leather:
  • During business hours, call Coach’s headquarters at 212-594-1850 (dial 0 and ask to leave a message for the CEO, Todd Kahn) and urge the company to stop profiting from the slaughter of animals and switch to vegan leather.

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