Help PETA Close Live-Animal Markets

Live-animal markets (aka “wet markets”) sell live and dead animals and exist all around the globe, with more than 80 in New York City alone. In this video, Peter Li, an associate professor at the University of Houston–Downtown, states that at these markets, “The cages are stacked one over another. Animals at the bottom are often soaked with all kinds of liquid. Animal excrement, pus, blood.” Such conditions allow viruses to spread from one animal to another as well as to humans who come into contact with them. All such markets are potential breeding grounds for zoonotic diseases, such as COVID-19, SARS, and MERS.

Just as we don’t want to be infected with the novel coronavirus or die from COVID-19, other animals don’t want to suffer or be slaughtered for food. Yet billions of chickens alone are killed for their flesh or exploited for their eggs each year, despite being sensitive, intelligent individuals who use more than 30 types of vocalizations to communicate about various threats approaching. And mother hens gently cluck to their chicks before they hatch.

A mother hen looking down at her two chicks

The World Health Organization (WHO) needs to call for a permanent end to live-animal markets. Make your voice heard by contacting the organization today.

  • On Instagram, tell WHO to call for an end to live-animal markets.
  • Use its contact form to send a personal message detailing why you want these markets permanently closed.
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