Have an Animal-Friendly Holiday

Make sure your holiday celebrations don’t promote speciesism.

Pretty brown rat against pink backdrop with small Christmas tree

Animals Are Not Presents

Never buy animals as gifts, and when purchasing presents for animal companions, steer clear of Petco and any other store that sells live animals.

If you want to make a charitable gift, make sure the organization isn’t an advocate for the meat industry, as Heifer International is. Urge Heifer International President and CEO Pierre Ferrari to stop sending animals to marginalized communities and instead focus his group’s efforts on its existing programs that don’t involve animals.

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Heifer International

Tell Mattel That Barbie Needs to Stop Exploiting Animals

Barbie has been a fur-free advocate for a long time, but recently, she’s begun promoting dog breeding. Urge Mattel to discontinue this doll immediately.

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Leave Animal Skins on the Shelf

Always check labels when purchasing clothing. If an item includes fur, wool, leather, down, cashmere, angora, mohair, or silk, don’t purchase it. Billions of animals suffer for the clothing industry, and vegan alternatives are easier to find than ever.

Take action! Contact Etsy and urge it to ban fur from its site. Let the company know that animals in the fur industry spend their entire lives confined to filthy cages before finally being beaten, electrocuted, gassed, or skinned alive.

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Still looking for an animal-friendly gift? Check out PETA Presents to give a “backyard dog” the gift of a bale of straw to stay warm this winter.

PETA Presents
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