Frequently Asked Questions
What is PETA’s Action Team?
PETA’s Action Team advocates for animals by taking action on animal rights issues and championing PETA’s national campaigns, which oppose speciesism in laboratories, the food industry, fashion, and entertainment.
At the very heart of our activism is the understanding that all sentient beings have the right to enjoy their lives free of abuse and exploitation.
All social justice movements focus on speaking out for the rights of those whose voices need to be heard. History shows that real change only takes place when people stand up against injustice. Animals can’t stand up for themselves, so PETA’s Action Team will never stop speaking out for them until we’ve achieved their liberation.
Who’s on the Action Team?
The Action Team is made up of thousands of activists from the U.S., Canada, and around the world who are taking nonviolent action to create a kinder world for all animals.
The Action Team is for anyone 25 or older, who wants to help animals. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or just getting started, whether you have animal rights friends or are the only person you know who cares about helping animals, PETA’s Action Team staff are here to support your work. Are you under the age of 25? Join SOS!
How can I join the Action Team?
Sign up here.
What should I expect as an Action Team member?
You’ll be welcomed with a free activist starter kit. You’ll also receive a monthly e-newsletter and e-mail with the latest updates on PETA’s campaigns and victories and information on taking strategic action in your community for animals. We’ll e-mail you invitations to join PETA protests and events if they’re taking place in your area, and you’ll be able to connect with PETA staff who can guide you on making a huge impact for animals and send you free activism supplies.
How can I take action?
There are so many fun ways to help animals, and Action Team staff are always happy to guide you. No action is too big or too small—everything helps. Here are some ideas to help get you started:
- Distribute leaflets on a busy walkway.
- Plan a protest or demonstration.
- Set up an info table at a local community event.
- Put animal rights stickers on your snail mail, on your car, in grocery stores—anywhere they’ll be seen.
- Support animal-friendly legislation.
- Write letters to local newspapers or magazines.
- Share PETA investigations on social media.
- Sign up for the Action Team to receive a free Activist Starter Kit to get you going and monthly e-mails with action ideas and suggestions.
I’ve never done any activism. How do I start?
You’ve come to the right place! Get inspired by other animal advocates’ actions shared in PETA’s Action Team Facebook group, and sign up for PETA’s Action Team if you haven’t already. Contact for free activism supplies and guidance to get started.
How can I plan a protest?
Please read our guide to holding a demonstration, and request free protest supplies and support.
What is a PETA action leader?
PETA action leaders (PAL) are volunteers who organize and lead regular protests for one of PETA’s strategic campaigns. PETA staff members provide PALs with the support, materials, and information they need to lead successful events and help win victories for animals. Learn more and apply to become a PAL here.
Does PETA provide activism literature and supplies?
PETA has an extensive catalog of stickers, leaflets, and posters on various animal rights issues. Check out our literature materials. E-mail us at and let us know which items you need. We’ll be happy to send you the supplies for free if you live in the U.S. or Canada.
What are PETA’s campaigns, and how can I get involved?
PETA has ongoing campaigns covering the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: laboratories, the food industry, the clothing trade, and entertainment. Learn more about PETA’s targeted campaigns on these issues. To get involved, sign up for PETA’s Action Team and contact for activism supplies and help getting started.
Is there a way I can connect with other activists in my community?
Although you can take effective action by yourself, it’s also a great idea to meet like-minded people and team up. We suggest you do the following:
- Connect with local activists by attending PETA events in your area. You must be signed up with the Action Team to receive invitations.
- Join local activist groups on Facebook, such as PETA’s Los Angeles; Norfolk, Virginia; and Washington, D.C., pages.
- Post to the PETA Action Team Facebook group to see if there are people in your area who want to join you in taking action.
- Check World Animal Net to find other animal rights groups in your area.
Who can help if I have questions?
E-mail your questions to, and one of our Action Team staff members will be happy to help.
What do you mean by “speciesism”?
“Speciesism” is the belief that all other animal species are inferior to humans. It views other animals—who have their own desires and needs—as means to our own ends. This supremacist reasoning is used to defend treating other living, feeling beings as property, inanimate objects, or even ingredients.
Do I need to be vegan to join the Action Team?
No, but since the best thing anyone can do to help animals is not to eat them, we encourage everyone to go vegan. Most people—not just animal rights activists—no longer have an appetite for animal flesh, milk, and eggs after learning about the suffering of animals in the agricultural industry. You can learn more here. Order PETA’s free vegan starter kit here.