Simba the Lion and Jambo the Giraffe Are Kept in Solitary Confinement—Take Action!

In 2017, two bears—named Ben and Bogey—were rescued from cramped cells at Tregembo Animal Park in Wilmington, North Carolina. Now, they’re able to swim, splash, play, and forage in their new sanctuary home. But animals are still suffering at this roadside zoo—which has been repeatedly cited for failing to provide animals with necessary veterinary care and safe and secure enclosures—and they need your help.

Neglect runs rampant at Tregembo, where animals have been seen struggling to walk because their hooves were severely overgrown, suffering with open wounds or hair loss, and limping or showing other signs of arthritis. Big cats are often seen pacing and a capuchin monkey and a macaque have been observed attacking themselves—all signs of severe psychological distress, likely from being confined to barren, cramped cages.

capuchin monkey at Tregembo Animal Park

Simba the lion should be roaming vast distances with a pride, but at Tregembo, he has nothing to do but pace in his cramped cage all alone. Jambo the giraffe should be spending his time foraging among trees, but instead, he’s fenced off in a barren enclosure by himself, without the opportunity to express this most basic natural behavior. This exploitation is a form of speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and it must end.

Simba the lion
photo of giraffe at Tregembo

Please politely urge Tregembo to retire all the animals suffering there to reputable facilities, where they can finally get the care that they desperately need.

Call Tregembo at 910-392-3604.

Please feel free to use our sample letter, but remember that using your own words is always more effective.

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