Update: Tortured Texas Puppy May Still Be in Danger! Speak Out!

UPDATE (February 7, 2025 – 5:45pm): We are currently trying to confirm reports that the puppy is in custody. We will post another update as soon as possible.

Original text (February 7, 2025):

The viral video below, reportedly captured February 6 on Stratford Arms Lane in Sugar Land, Texas, features a young man viciously attacking a screaming puppy. While gripping the terrified animal’s back leg, he viciously slams them, repeatedly, into a jagged firewood pile, before kicking his victim in the sides, again and again. Bizarrely, the unhinged man then lowers his yowling victim into what appears to be a hole in the ground and sits on them, at which point the puppy’s cries of terror fall frighteningly silent.

Video, reportedly captured Thursday.

Although PETA caseworkers were glad to hear from officials that the matter was under investigation, we received zero assurances that this horrifically abused puppy has been or will be seized, or that cruelty-to-animals will be filed in this clearly criminal case.

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